How to Calculate Exercise Points

There are two ways to figure out your Exercise Points for the Weight Watchers system. The first (and easiest) is get a slider from a Weight Watchers office that resembles the one you use to calculate your food’s points. On that slider you do three things…

First you figure out your Intensity Level, the options are:

Low – Not Sweating

Moderate – Sweating after 10 minutes

High – Sweating after 3-5 minutes

Once you decide your Intensity Level you add in to the calculation how long you took part in the activity.

Then you find your weight on the chart, to the right of your weight will be a number and that number is how many exercise points you earned.

See why I can’t help you calculate your exercise points using the slider?

However, if you don’t mind doing math there is another way to calculate…I shudder at explaining the math but I will give it a try…

It starts the same way, determine your Intensity Level – the different levels correspond to numbers and those numbers are:

Low – .000232

Moderate – .000327

High – .0008077

Next step is to calculate how long you were exercising for – put the length of time in to minutes.

Third thing you need is your current weight to the pound.

After you have those three things (Intensity Level, Current Weight, Minutes Exercising) you  multiply your weight by the number of minutes you worked out. Take the number you just calculated then multiply it by the number connected with your Intensity Level.

Does that make sense? Here is an example:

A person weighs 166 pounds, they exercised for 60 minutes at a high intensity level.

166 lbs X 60 minutes = 9960

9960 X .0008077 = 8 Exercise Points


If you can’t get a slider least you can still calculate your points using the math formula but I would say get a slider, it’s less work! 🙂

6 Responses to “How to Calculate Exercise Points”

  1. Debra October 1, 2010 at 12:04 am #

    I found you via The Fotographing Fat Kid, and wanted to say thanks for posting this. It can be really difficult to find WW data online short of actually joining them and paying up for the info. I already had the info for figuring points but hadn’t been able to find this info yet. A big help!

    • shrinkingwmn October 1, 2010 at 11:02 pm #

      Glad I could help! 🙂 I am lucky, my mom is a weight watchers member and she gets two of everything and shares with me so I don’t have to pay to get all the info. If there is ever anything weight watchers related you have a question about feel free to ask – if I don’t know the answer I can always get my mom to ask at her next meeting. 🙂

  2. jj June 15, 2011 at 3:15 pm #

    Thanks for the great tip on figuring out excersice points. It really help me a lot. If you have any more tips please share.

    • shrinkingwmn June 19, 2011 at 3:26 pm #

      oh you’re welcome! 🙂 glad I could help.

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  1. Day 12 (Drummers Drumming) « The Fotographing Fat Kid (But Not For Long!) - September 28, 2010

    […] I couldn’t eat that many points a day if I tried. Anywho, usually you get exercise points (here’s a way to calculate it oh and read her blog it is really good!) but I’m not hungry so why eat? See ya […]

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